You Thought...
...You were indestructible.
...You were incorruptible.
...You would never make THAT mistake.
...You would never be in THIS situation.
...Life lasted forever.
...Love lasted forever.
...You had everything figured out.
...You had everyone figured out.
...He/she was your friend.
...She/he/it wouldn't change.
...YOU wouldn't change.
You Didn't Think...
...Yesterday would shape and distort today.
...Tomorrows would decrease and yesterdays would increase.
...The kids would grow up so fast.
...You would grow old so soon.
...Emptiness would be this hard to fill.
...Loneliness could be this deep to fall.
...Truth is absolute.
...God is involved.
...The culture was wrong.
...The Bible was right.
...You needed to change.
"Seek God while He's here to be found, pray to Him while He's close at hand. Let the wicked abandon their way of life and the evil their way of thinking. Let them come back to God, who is merciful, come back to our God, who is lavish with forgiveness. 'I don't think the way you think. The way you work isn't the way I work,' decrees God." ~ Isaiah 55:7-8 (The Message).
Think Again,
Perry Crisp
1 comment:
Wow, I feel like you have described ever jot and tittle of my life! I know not what my future holds, but I am relieved and ever so glad that I know who holds my future! :)
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