Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Beverly Hillbilly Boycott

I've been a Beverly Hillbillies fan all my life. But I've had it! I mean, seriously -- there are just too many inconsistencies. And some of the attitudes of those characters can be hard to tolerate.

I'm not making this up. Tell me how Jedd Clampett can shoot a fly off a wall 200 yards away but misses when he shoots at "some food" (no doubt, a big ole 'possum) and "up comes a bubbling crude." Then I'm supposed to believe that all that wealth required the hillbilly Clampett family to move to Beverly Hills and buy a mansion. Please! Anyone with that much money can live anywhere they want.

I'm not even going to go into all the manipulative attitudes of Granny and Mr. Drysdale. Jethro's a glutton and Ellie Mae hasn't shown evidence of a single permit for all those animals she keeps.

Sound silly? So do the excuses people make for not going to church.

Come and listen to a story 'bout a man named Jesus...
Perry Crisp

1 comment:

Allen said...

Good morning Perry, Dorida, A.J. & Tori.

I loved the "Beverly Hillbilly Boycott" thought. I do a newsletter each week for my Sr. Adult Choir. I always include something on the "lighter side" at the end of the newsletter. They will enjoy that.

The next time you come down this way, stop by the church or call to tell us you are coming through and we will wave as you go through.

Making His Praise Glorious!
